Proven Success
Collectively, The MENTOR Network and its partners have more than 40 years of experience. As a partner of The Network, Delaware MENTOR has access to the nation’s best thinking in human services and a successful track record of serving adults and children in home- and community-based settings.
Day Programs
Delaware MENTOR’s Day Program, located in Millsboro, provides adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities with a positive and enriching environment where they can learn and grow.
Our goal is to help individuals become more independent, reach their personal goals and become increasingly active in their communities. While attending our Day Program, participants have numerous opportunities to work on individual goals and participate in group and independent activities. Through a variety of therapeutic activities, our dedicated staff members work closely with each participant and provide ongoing support and encouragement to help them set goals and achieve new milestones.
Building Life Skills, Supporting Independence
Delaware MENTOR’s Day Program provides a variety of center-based activities including:
- Meal Preparation
- Participation in Activities throughout the Community
- Paid and Volunteer Employment
- Specialized Training in Alternative/Augmentative Communication
- Orientation/Mobility
- Sensory Development
- Personal Safety
- Self-Advocacy
- Alternative Behavior Strategies
The Day Program also offers a Snoezelen Therapy Room where individuals can participate in special activities designed to combine sights, sounds, textures, aromas and motion to help each person develop sensory skills and awareness.
By incorporating a specialized selection of sensory materials in a safe environment, individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities have additional opportunities to advance education and therapy goals. Our Day Program also has a full time registered nurse on-site to administer medications, tube feedings and assist individuals with other medical needs.
For more information about our Day Program Services or to make a referral, please call us at 302-934-0512.